Loved the vows, the famous Tamil novel written by Kalki. Serialized in the Kalki weekly magazine published 12 years after the story was published as a novel. During the reign of the first makentiravarma PALLAVAN ipputinat written using the events of the first prince PALLAVAN Narasimha occupies an important place. Bush came out and attracted widespread attention in the magazine Kalki Paranjyothi Yatra, Kanji siege, monk's love, that dream shattered comprised of four components.
The book is very pleased to offer them in the form of processor.
Is a Tamil historical novel written by Kalki Sivagamiyin Sabatham, first serialized in 1944, the kalki during January - June 1946, and published as a book in 1948 Along with Ponniyin Selvan, this is widely regarded as one of the greatest novels ever written in Tamil. Set in 7th-century south India against the backdrop of various historical events and figures, the novel created widespread interest in Tamil history. Honour, love and friendship are important themes that run through the course of the novel.